Still Colourful the Day is dawning (English Version)
Award Reformation Song Context 2017 of the Community of Protestant Churches in Europe (CPCE)
Still colourless the day is dawning
As I set out upon my way;
Yet all the birds, this fresh spring morning
From tree to tree salute the day.
As strands of cloud with silv’ry edges
From eastward spreading, streak the sky,
Between the houses, roofs and hedges
Bright golds and pinks appear on high.
Now all at once the dark sky lightens;
The sun, though hidden still from sight
Dispels the chilly mists and brightens
The little town with shafts of light.
And as the sun again revives me
Though walls and chimneys hide it still,
So some Sustainer, from outside me
With trust and faith my soul does fill.
This sunrise is my Easter vision,
My miracle of rising grain,
As when the Son of Man, arisen,
Gave thanks and broke the bread again.
“Der Tag” by Gertrud-Marianne Schendel,
translated from the German by Anthony Mellor-Stapelberg
(to be sung to the tune “St Clement” by C. C. Scholefield – the tune
of “The day Thou gavest, Lord, is ended”)
Der Tag fängt an noch ohne Farben (deutsche Fassung)
Siegertext beim Reformationslied-Wettbewerb der Gemeinschaft Evangelischer Kirchen in Europa (GEKE)
Der Tag fängt an noch ohne Farben,
Zart federn silbergraue Wolken
Nun ist es nahtlos hell geworden,
So wie mich wieder stärkt die Sonne,
Mir nah wird Ostern auf dem Wege,
(singbar auf die Melodie des Liedes: Der Tag, mein Gott, ist nun vergangen (EG 266)